Thursday, August 26, 2010

SuperGreen Hosting


Started in 2008 by seasoned web hosting professionals, SuperGreen Hosting is now up there with the big leagues in Green Hosting and worth checking out. In addition to being environmentally friendly, they are really affordable and suitable for both personal and business, from rookies to experts.

By having started their operations once web hosting technologies were already mature, SuperGreen Hosting has a competitive advantage over older competitors since they can provide state of the art web hosting technology to all their clients without having to deal with inefficient legacy systems.


User experience

We were able to perform 10 simultaneous FTP transfers, which makes upload very fast. * Control panel: cPanel 11 - Up to date * Application installer: Fantastico Deluxe - Up to date JustHost's admin interface has a few promotional items that can be disturbing at first but they do not really get in the way once you get used to their control panel.


JustHost offers toll-free phone support as well as 24/7 free e-mail and live chat support in order to get you answers in a matter of minutes. They also maintain a comprehensive knowledge base with quickly and easy access to common questions and answers.

Customer satisfaction

Excellent user experience, effective support and more give Just Host great marks in terms of user satisfaction. Actually, JustHost are so sure that their customers will be satisfied that they offer an unique "Moneyback Anytime" guarantee. That means that, as a customer, you can get back your money if you are not satisfied, at any time! Not just in the first 30 to 90 days like other hosts do. This is pretty unique in the industry.

Technical specs

  • Linux-based platform (This is good for security. Don't worry, the fact that your own OS is Windows or Mac OS X is *not* an issue)
  • MySQL 5.0.67 - Up to date
  • PHP 5.2.9 - Up to date
  • UTF-8 and mbstring: supported
  • Quad processors Servers shared with other clients for best energy usage
  • UPS power back-up generator included

Overall, the platform is state of the art. (Section updated May 22nd, 2009.)


JustHost is running mod_suPHP and there is strong isolation between user accounts.

SFTP is also available for Secure FTP file transfers.

Overall security is excellent.


SuperGreen hosting offers all the state-of-the-art features you need for effective web hosting supplemented by an easy-to-use platform and a helpful customer service, not to mention their Anytime money back guarantee. All these features run on 100% carbon neutral energy and one of the lowest prices in the industry. We belive SuperGreen should be the host of choice for the environment conscious webmaster.

Check out SuperGreen Hosting now »



Comment from: Fabrice [Visitor]
FabriceAs good as any other host,cheap and they think green. Good customer support and no problem with the site. Recommended.
05/05/10 @ 16:45
Comment from: shankar [Visitor]
shankarYes, it's always a good idea to have green energy based internet. But then, with highly exhaustive energy demands needed for such a thing, it remains to be seen how long is it sustainable!
05/06/10 @ 08:29
Comment from: Amber G. [Visitor]
Amber G.I'm not a big fan of those "one-size-fits-all" plans, I wish they had more plans to choose from, but it was easy to set up and site was online very fast
...i hope I am one of those 100th and they plant a tree for me... do you think they'll name it after me?
05/06/10 @ 15:58

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