Sunday, August 29, 2010

Budget Web Hosting

There are many web hosting providers in the market and FindMyHosting makes it easy to find web hosting plans that are low price. These plans can be great value, but it is important to be certain that a low price plan will meet your needs before proceeding with your hosting purchase.

What To Look For And Be Aware of..

  • We recommend that you look to see what a host offers in comparison to other hosts that are about the same price (you can use the stored plans feature to compare plans side by side). If they offer a lot more than the average cheap plan - then it might be too good to be true.
  • The market is filled with web hosts that rent servers and sell cheap web hosting plans. It is often hard to tell how professional a company is because it is easy for anybody to make a business look professional on the web. If you pay 1 or 2 dollars a month don't expect a very high level of support.
  • Be aware that nothing is Unlimited, especially not bandwidth. Unlimited may sound like a great deal, but if you plan for a lot of traffic, unlimited plans will quickly cause you problems and frustration
  • Check the rating scores and comments to see how others have rated a host that you are interested in. The plans are listed lowest price first but you can sort them by highest rating first also.
  • Hosting Assured status gives you extra peace of mind. A Hosting Assured host has stated that they will abide by a code of ethics. Also - if you have a problem you can ask Hosting Assured to help on your behalf.

What to Expect

  • Potentially lower reliability - With budget plans you will probably be on the same server with as many as 500 other websites
  • Lower level of support - If you have only paid a few dollars, then don't expect the hosting company to give you a very high level of support. Many will give you great support regardless of the price, but if you have an important website and support is important, then you should look at more expensive plans

1 comment:

  1. I get it clear idea about budget hosting and how its working all the things learned through your blog. All the points are explained very clearly. website hosting services
