GoDaddy Profile is the world's largest domain name registrar and is the flagship company of The GoDaddy Group, Inc. As an ICANN-accredited domain registrar, Go Daddy has more names under management than any other registrar, offers products at prices up to 70% less than the competition and supports them all with world-class 24/7 live customer service. Go Daddy's hosting plans offer 99.9% guaranteed uptime, best-of-breed routers, servers and firewalls and the best 24/7 support and maintenance on the Web. With Go Daddy hosting and servers, your online presence is secure, reliable and lightning-fast. Best of all, every plan comes with a rich feature set to help you make the most of your site. No wonder that millions of satisfied customers have made them the world's largest hostname provider.
Ratings & reviews of GoDaddy
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- FREE 24x7 rapid account setup
- World-class Data Centers
- Best-of-breed routers, firewalls & servers
- Go Daddy doesn't offer SSH/SFTP access
GoDaddy Editorial Ratings and Reviews
GoDaddy Reviews
I've used them for years... time to move on. My site is down about half of the day lately on average, it takes hours-days to get a response to a ticket and calling just puts you on hold with annoying music for an hour... then transferred and put on hold again... rinse/repeat. You have to sort through 6 million sales pitches to do anything on their site... so on and so on.
I think this company rocks. They have all the services. I send all my web clients to get hosting from them. They stand out how: Its called the go daddy hosting connection. Where they have alot of applications and you donwload and install with a click of a button. Would recommend to anyone
I do have godaddy web hosting ,and it is a pain to use there interface . and I wish i never got theam as a web host . I must now find a new host , one I can use.
Super-fast and knowledgeable technical support team always answered and helped me in one call. Had to call 4 times now to resolve issues of features/upgrades that I either did not fully understand or to correct something I messed up.
As a domain name provider - fine. But they do not seem to be hosting competent. The uptime is fine. I really hate the pig of a tour you need to control anything. I have two websites, and they are mixed into a single account. The web stats (sign up specially or you get nothing) are simply a graph of total traffic for the account. Not individual site data - more like an accountant tracking your usage. Nothing like Webalizer or AWstats where you find time of day visits and search words used. The data may be there in the welter of links and adverts splattered on the page. I'd prefer cPanel.
Ok, I'm not a big fan of the GoDaddy commercials (although many of my male friends are) - they simply don't manage to convince that they have the best web hosting on the market. However, I pretty impressed by the quality of their hosting. I've been a customer of theirs for 6 months now and Istill haven't experienced any major issues with downtime. Trust me - I had with my prvious host. The customer support is ok I guess and I like the control panel. I can recommend GoDaddy hosting - not their commercials.
BEWARE of GoDaddy they host over TWO HUNDRED malicious websites on one of their servers & refuse to respond to concerns about this. When I get a program submission that turns out to be bait-&-switch, not freeware or has illegal functions (like copying copy protected DVD's) it is almost always hosted by GoDaddy & hidden behind their anonymous domain registration service.
I've been a customer of Godaddy's for about a year now and I can highly recommend it to anyone looking for good web hosting. I've never had any problems with downtime and the features that are included in their hosting plan (economy plan in my case)… Well, it impresses me. I only had a few bugs in the beginning and then I got all the support I needed. I give Godaddy the thumbs up!
I signed up with GoDaddy a couple of months ago and we've had our ups and downs. One thing that I really have to point out is that their customer support always has been excellent. I challenge you to find an equally good support team elsewhere. A thing that I don't like equally much is the control panel. It's just not that user-friendly. But once you get the hang of it you'll be fine. Maybe they should spend less money on their commercials and put it on making some small fixes instead.
I had a domain with GoDaddy for almost four years, when suddenly, they sold my domain name out from under me with no warning. When I discovered my website was suddenly GONE one day, I contacted them, and they said there had been a problem with my account ALMOST A YEAR AGO (even though my site had JUST disappeared) and they canceled my service. Then immediately sold my domain to the first squatter they saw. And THEN offered to let me use their BROKER SERVICE TO BID ON MY OWN SITE. Of course, all of this time, they were still charging me the monthly amount to host the site that no longer exists. Now I am forced not only to find a new provider, but I have to RE-ESTABLISH my internet presence with an entirely new domain name, AND I'm out several months hosting fee! Godaddy's customer service is fast, and ABYSMAL. My business has and is going to lose more money because of this issue than I can even consider right now. AVOID THIS SO-CALLED BUSINESS.
Unlimited Hosting - Linux - Monthly I have had GoDaddy for YEARS and YEARS. I have really given them the benefit of the doubt at times. However... here is an ACTUAL, right this second, $uptime: 14:27:50 up 4 days, 6:59, 1 user, load average: 10.09, 12.10, 15.55 These loads are low compared to the ones I have seen in the very recent past. The connections are so very laggy that I can't upload or download any decent size files and my site is an MMO Game Development site- Uncool. I am using Web Hosting Reviews to find my new provider and while I am at it, I will give GoDaddy a heads-up through this review as to why I am leaving a long-time friend. (Not that I haven't already complained directly to them in the past when I was getting load numbers in the thousands and my site had it's little feet in the air twitching about) Sorry GoDaddy.. I have stuck by you thick and thin for years and years.. too bad you couldn't do the same for me.
Their control Panel needs overall eliminate the adds this is not neccessary needs to be more user friendly
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