Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hosting FatCow

About FatCow, the Company

Founded in 1998, FatCow is easy to use, and it offers a variety of intuitive services. They are committed to making website building an easy and fun experience for their customers.

  • Founded in Albuquerque New Mexico in 1998
  • Location: Burlington, MA.
  • Green since 2008

Green Hosting

Fat Cow is an eco-friendly company because it is 100% powered by wind energy since 2008. Users can also share in their green efforts by posting a badge on their Fat Cow hosted website that tells visitors that their web page is powered by green energy. Environmentally conscious Fat Cow customers can rest assured that using Fat Cow’s services over non-green hosting contributed to the health of the environment.


Features of FatCow Web Hosting

Fat Cow offers two web hosting plans. The first is the Original Fat Cow Plan for $66 a year. This plan includes everything one needs to create fully functioning web pages for business or other needs. This plan comes with all of the following as well as many other features.

  • Unlimited Disk Space
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Easy-to-use Site Creation Tools
  • Easy-to-install Blogs and Forums
  • Wizards to Add Open Source Apps
  • E-store Builder by ShopSite
  • Free Google and Yahoo! Credits
  • Many more features

Note that FatCow also offers the simple Mini Moo plan allowing you to get started with a restricted set of features:

  • 1 Email Account
  • Email Forwarding
  • Email Auto Responders
  • Coming Soon Page
  • Friendly Toll Free Support

Customer Support

Fat Cow offers a wide range of customer support features. Customers can check out the common help topics or the FAQ page for information. There are also video tutorials to help users get the most out of Fat Cow’s features. If additional help is needed, customers can call the Customer Support Number or chat online with a Customer Support Representative.

FatCow’s Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

Fat Cow pledges to make the Fat Cow experience fun, easy, and stress-free. They will call you within the first seven days, to welcome you to FatCow. They also pledge to answer all your calls in less than two minutes, and provide phone support based in North America. If they cannot resolve your issue right away, they will give you specific date by which they will resolve the issue. The Fat Cow customer service representatives are friendly, knowledgeable and committed to giving you the best experience possible.

Control Panel

FatCow uses a custom built online control panel which is very easy to use. At the top of the page there is a menu bar that includes several options relating to building your site. The first is the quick start button where you can add a domain, create a mailbox, and create a web site. When you click on the site creation button, you can choose your method.

Site builder

When you click on the site creation button, you can choose your method.

If you have website building software installed on your computer, then you can use the FTP option, and simply upload your completed website to Fat Cow and bring it online.

If you want a simple method to build your site, a simple drag & drop feature allows you to create a website from templates and add content. You can drag the features from a menu bar, and drop them in the desired area or your web pages. Once your website is built, it is available online immediately.

FatCow is also compatible with Microsoft FrontPage for those wishing to use this software to build there site.
Finally, if you prefer to have a team of designers work on your webpage, then Fat Cow offers a personal Website design option.

Performance, Uptime & Equipment

Fat Cow guarantees 99.99% uptime on their servers which is among the best uptimes anyone can guarantee.


Fat Cow Web Hosting is a great place to create a website. They offer all the services that competing web hosting companies offer at a great value. Their website is secure and easy to use, and there is always fast friendly help when you need assistance. Fat Cow is also a green company, and that is something to feel good about. Check them out for more information, and start building your very own website today.

Check out FatCow Web Hosting now »


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