Thursday, August 26, 2010

hosting HostUpon


HostUpon was established in 2007 by Alfez Velji who has previously worked for several other hosting companies. They are based in Downtown Toronto, Ontario Canada.

HostUpon leases their servers from SoftLayer and so benefit from their high end data centers located in Dallas, TX and Seattle, WA with a third one coming in the fall in Washington, DC. For optimal response times, clients can choose which datacenter they wish to be hosted on.

User experience

HostUpon announces 100 accounts per shared user which is very good given the specs of their servers:


  • Intel Xeon DualCore QuadProc Sata
  • Processor Intel Xeon -Quad Core [2.4GHz]
  • RAM slots 1GB DDR2 [4-8GB]
  • Drive Controller Mainboard Onboard SATAII Controller
  • Hard Drives Seagate Barracuda ST3500320NS

HostUpon uses the industry proven cPanel architecture. No surprises there.

Customer satisfaction

Customer feedback has shown that HostUpon's offering is aligned with other cPanel hosts in the industry with the added benefit of a very aggressive price.

Technical specs

  • PHP version: 5.2.5 -- Good.
  • PHP security: Average
  • MySQL version: 5.0.45

Section updated on March 28th, 08


File uploads can be done via SFTP which is excellent.

However PHP is running on mod_php which is not optimal for security.

Overall security is average.

Hosting Plans

Monthly fee (× 24 mo)$4.95$9.95
Disk spaceUnlimitedUnlimited
Included domain namefreefree
MySQL databasesUnlimitedUnlimited
Dedicated IPOptionalIncluded

Use coupon code "B2evo" for an additional 20% OFF!

Check out HostUpon now »


1 comment

Comment from: Aaron [Visitor]
AaronI have ben using vps hosting from host upon for th last 6 months now... They are a good company, and excellent uptime. The only time my server has been down was when I accidentally made an error in my scripting, which overloaded the server. I feel that while the vps plan that I have is expensive, their service is good and the ability to have dozens of domains on one vps makes it worthwhile. I would recommend them to others!
03/06/09 @ 08:25

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