What do you get with the standard package?
100 Pop Accounts
5000 email aliases
Antivirus Scanning
Spam Filtering
Plesk 9 or Cpanel 11
1000 MB Storage space
Hosted on Windows 2003 or Linux
Website statistics using AWStats
20 subdomains
Customer error pages
20 FTP accounts
File manager
5 GB bandwdith per month
Website Scripting
ASP.NET Server Scripting
ASP Server scripting
PHP Server scripting
Perl CGI Scripting
ODBC connections
200 x MySQL Server databases
FrontPage Extensions 2002
Password Protection
Price £1.49 pm
no setup fee
no contract
sign up or view more plans via http://www.tidyhosts.com/linuxstandard.asp
please email us enquiries@tidyhosts.com for more information.
Feel free to contact us for any other queries.
Kind Regards
100 Pop Accounts
5000 email aliases
Antivirus Scanning
Spam Filtering
Plesk 9 or Cpanel 11
1000 MB Storage space
Hosted on Windows 2003 or Linux
Website statistics using AWStats
20 subdomains
Customer error pages
20 FTP accounts
File manager
5 GB bandwdith per month
Website Scripting
ASP.NET Server Scripting
ASP Server scripting
PHP Server scripting
Perl CGI Scripting
ODBC connections
200 x MySQL Server databases
FrontPage Extensions 2002
Password Protection
Price £1.49 pm
no setup fee
no contract
sign up or view more plans via http://www.tidyhosts.com/linuxstandard.asp
please email us enquiries@tidyhosts.com for more information.
Feel free to contact us for any other queries.
Kind Regards
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